Ceriffi Check® is low start and continuous improvement software It enables the systematic collection of staff views and development ideas and their rapid processing.
Effective and efficient management of a company requires the involvement of personnel, the setting and monitoring of goals, and the active communication of results.
It's a simple matter, but the implementation wants to bury both small and large companies in resource scarcity and “not-so-efficient” ways of collecting data, compiling data into metrics, and communicating results effectively.
On the other hand, for whom this process works, competitive advantage can be achieved both through efficient processes and through personnel who are committed and motivated to the company's goals.
Ceriffi Check® offers a pure digital solution for running a company and involving employees without additional time. Involve staff, set goals, launch tracking, and communicate results in real time on any of the company’s digital channels.
Ceriffi Check® is a management and engagement tool that makes monitoring, measuring and communicating results easy and real-time without much effort.
Involve staff in developing activities throug the following features: